speakLIFE Campaign

In 2019, when developing the university’s strategic plan, Hardin-Simmons University asked alumni, 教师, 工作人员, 以及社区成员确定校园内需要关注和财政支持的领域. Beginning in fall 2022, PG电子官方免费下载走出了耗资3500万美元的“生命演讲”活动的沉默阶段,进入了推广阶段, with a challenge goal of $45 million. In the promotion phase, 大学将与HSU社区沟通,扩大在沉默阶段所做的工作, 提高对正在进行的工作的认识并邀请校友, 朋友, foundations, 教堂, 员工, and the community to give and complete the campaign.

The theme for our campaign is “speakLIFE.“说生命就是鼓励、促进、培育、支持和祝福. Colossians 3:17 says: “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

speakLIFE banners on campus

Science Building Restoration

我们的计划是双重的:在现有的纽曼-理查森科学中心的基础上增加一个建筑,并对原有建筑进行部分改造. 新建筑将拥有现代化的教育空间,包括六个科学实验室, clinical and treatment rooms, 和更多的. 现有建筑的改造包括教室空间和学习公共空间. 这将加强HSU在科学、数学和医学领域的领导地位.

给 for Science Building

Learn More about the Restoration


Abilene Hall: Engineering & 护理

建于1948年的阿比林大厅正在进行改造,以容纳HSU的工程和护理项目. HSU will offer a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering beginning fall '23. A materials testing lab, fabrication lab, fluid dynamics lab, 并设有专门的实验室进行研究和实验. 虽然HSU目前通过帕蒂汉克斯谢尔顿护理学院联盟毕业的护士, HSU董事会开始着手创建我们自己的护理学校. 等待SACSCOC认证和德克萨斯州护理委员会的批准, we anticipate welcoming students beginning spring '25. Dr. Sandra Welling加入HSU担任护理教育副院长和创始主任.

给 for Abilene Hall & 项目

Learn more about Abilene Hall & These 项目

Students in front of Behrends Hall

Behrens Residence Hall

大学生活的一个关键部分是住在学生宿舍里,在那里学生们建立了一生的友谊, transition from teenagers to adults, and create lasting memories. Built in 1952 when manual typewriters were the norm, 该设施需要更新基础设施,以支持当前和未来的需求. 为学生提供一个安全、宜居的校园将有助于加强我们的招生和留住工作.

给 for Behrens Restoration

Learn more about the restoration

Drawing of the Equine Therapy Center

Equine Assisted Services Center

To meet the needs of our students and community, 我们计划建立一个马辅助服务中心,为身体和情感残障人士提供服务. Equine assisted services benefits people with ADHD, learning disabilities, and emotional trauma, 受伤, or physical disabilities. 这些服务特别有利于在HSU新扩建的休斯顿-兰特里普扫盲和学习中心接受治疗的自闭症儿童.

给 for Equine Center

Learn more about Equine Therapy


Behrens Chapel Auditorium

贝伦斯教堂礼堂通常是校园里唯一一座公众能看到里面的建筑. As the primary venue for chapel, convocation, 唱, 音乐会, 和更多的, this facility needs a major overhaul. 修复将有助于大学更好地为学生和社区服务. 修复将改善残疾人的可达性,使其更安全,更有吸引力.

给 for Behrens Chapel Auditorium

Learn More About the Behrens Auditorium Renovation


Prichard Hall

5月19日, 2022, PG电子游戏将于2024年秋季为其最新的宿舍楼举行奠基仪式. Rosa Lee (Hemphill) Prichard ’58 for her generous support. The new residence hall will be a 61,000-square-foot, 4-story facility with 165 beds and multiple common areas. Each suite will contain a living room, two bathrooms, and four bedrooms outfitted with a bed, 桌子上, 梳妆台, and walk-in closet.


Learn more about Prichard Hall


Christlieb Program & Scholarship

Some students arrive without families, 缺少完成大学学业所需的情感和经济支持. 被归类为独立的学生没有家庭成员的支持上大学. 学校承诺通过Christlieb赞助计划和奖励来帮助这些独立和自费的学生支付学费和生活费.

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Learn more about the Christlieb program

Students and donors at the scholarship luncheon.

Scholarship Endowment

98%的全日制本科生获得某种形式的经济援助. Scholarships do more than help pay for an education, they recognize and reward hard work and dedication. 您在奖学金方面的慷慨投资为我们的学生提供了学习的机会, grow and pursue their calling. 捐赠者可以向现有的奖学金基金捐款,也可以创建自己的捐赠奖学金.

给 for Scholarships

Learn more about HSU’s Annual Scholarship Fund

总统ident Bruntmyer presents an award to Dr. 奥康奈尔.

教师 Enrichment

The 教师 of HSU is devoted to teaching our students, preparing them for their chosen careers, and helping to transform their lives for the better. 教师充实的捐赠将为教师提供资源,继续在课堂上提供卓越. Such opportunities enhance professional growth of 教师, 从而产生更有效、更有吸引力的教授来教我们的学生.

给 for 教师

Learn more about HSU 教师 enrichment

总统. Bruntmyer and donors break ground at a ceremony.

Current Support

我们的许多校友和朋友通过年度奖学金基金慷慨地支持奖学金. 其他人则为学术和项目提供支持,以提高教师和学生在教室和实验室的体验. 还有一些人支持体育、牛仔乐队和其他领域. 我们在PG电子官方免费下载有这么多有价值的需求,任何目的的礼物都将被计入新的竞选活动. 也, 你可以在下面的YouTube链接上收听克里斯蒂安·福特纳(Christian Fortner)的原创speakLIFE音乐作品!

给 to HSU

Listen to Christian's speakLIFE Music

Students sitting on steps.

An Invitation to Invest

我们每个人都能识别出HSU影响我们生活的时刻. With your prayers, partnership, and support, 我们的使命是在基督教信仰和价值观的启发下提供卓越的教育,我们的定位是影响世界. Join us on this mission!
You may give by:
*邮寄支票至:HSU advance, 2200 HSU HSU Box 16100, Abilene, TX 79698
*Contacting us at: advancement@tideofdreams.com or 325/670-1379

Giving Online

Making a pledge (May be emailed or mailed)


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